In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, Shahid Chamran University

2 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, university of kurdistan

3 Faculty Member of Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences

4 Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, Tarbyat Modares


This paper investigates the impact of social media marketing elements on consumer–brand engagement, brand Awareness & brand image. 320 consumers of sports brands' social media pages were studied. The following survey was done with descriptive correlation method. Questionnaire measurement tool Cheung (2019), Islam (2016) & Langaro (2016).used partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS–SEM) to test the links between social media marketing elements, consumer–brand engagement, brand Awareness & brand image. Structural equation modeling were used to analyze data. Structural equation model analysis showed that The Customisation, interaction, electronic word of mouth & trendiness are the key Trendiness, elements directly influencing consumer brand engagement, then strengthening brand awareness & brand Awareness. This contrasts with the non-significant results found for the influence of entertainment & customisation on consumer–brand engagement. This study contributes to the branding literature by providing an understanding of the role of social media marketing elements in the brand-building process. Social media is a marketing channel recognised by its effectiveness in communicating brand-related information & its role as a means to stimulate consumers’ brand engagement brand, Awareness & brand image. By empirically testing a theoretical model, this study confirms that specific social media marketing elements, namely Customisation, interaction, EWOM & trendiness, are critical drivers in the brandbuilding process


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