In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect Modeling the Causal effect of Leadership Style & Job Autonomy & Task Complexity on Creative Behaviors in Employees Kermanshah of sport media. For this purpose, standard questionnaires Kouzes Posner stransformational (2003), Langfred’s (2005), job autonomy, Maynard & Heckl’s (2009) task complexity were used. Research statistical population was consisted of Employees Kermanshah province of sport media which among them 103 persons were selected cluster sampling method as a sample. Descriptive statistics was used for categorization & summarization of raw data, & structural equations modeling was used among inferential statistics. The data were analyzed using SPSS & Amos 23. The findings show Transformational Leadership Style, Job Autonomy, & Task Complexity effect on Employees of sport media creative behaviors. Also the results of the pathway analysis Transformational Leadership Style, Job Autonomy, & Task Complexity confirmed the conceptual model of the research. Based on the findings, it is suggested that Transformational Leadership Style, Job Autonomy, & Task Complexity should be considered as three of the effective factors on Employees of sport media creative behaviors. Generally, it can be argued that Employees of sport media creative behaviors should be empowered & that their Transformational Leadership Style, Job Autonomy, & Task Complexity should grow even more. According to research findings, it can be said that if the conditions of Transformational Leadership Style, Job Autonomy, & Task Complexity in the organization are provided for Employees of sport media, creative behaviors can be promote.



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