In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University of centeral Tehran branch

2 Islamic Azad University of Shahre Qods branch

3 Islamic Azad University of Safadasht branch


The aim of this study was to analyze the sport management article in scientifics magazine like: Harekat, Pazhoheshdarolumvarzeshi, Olumharekativavarzeshi and olampic during 8 years.There are 802 articles in all branches of physical education and sport science. In this research 188 articles of sport management were analyzed.This research is based on two criteria, one is subject contributed articles on different fields of physical education and sport science, another one isevaluation approach communication in sport management articles.  In this study content analysis were used as a research method. Content analysis was performed with preparation of codifying instruction, and operational definitions from the categories with two units of program, magazine and articles of sport management. Two descriptive and inferential (Qi-square) statistics have been used for analyzing data. This research has two indexes to study that include management articles in various branch of physical education and communication branch of sport management. This research uses a coding list that validity of it has been measured by some professors of university. In this study to prevent of personal opinions used three persons for coding the list. The agreement coefficient has been upper than 90% for coder of this research. The result of this research show that physiology branch with 39.77% have had maximum of articles. The communication branch had unequal coverage in sport management articles. The result shows that significant difference between the numbers of articles on sport management. There is no article on communication branch in Olumharekativavarzeshi magazine. So it is necessary that sport management scholars to improve the current state of research literature in the field and to eliminate the leakage.


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