In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payame Noor University

2 Kharazmi University


Purpose of this study was citation analysis of journal articles in movement sciences and sport from 2000 to 2008. Due to the low population size the number of samples was considered equal to the number of population (N=167). The instrument used in this study was a coding sheet that its validity has been approved by 6 people of sports management faculties and expert in the field of content analysis. Regard to the quantitative data and non-interference of personal opinions, the agreement coefficient between coderwas skipped. For data analysis descriptive statistical (frequency and present in the form of tables and graphs) and SPSSwere used. Results showed that in total 4879 sources (excluding repeaters sources) has been used in this 167 articlesandthe average number of citations for each article is 29.1 sources. Also, ℅29.86 of the sources is related to less than 5 years before receiving the article from journal, ℅30.08 of the sources is related to 5-10 years and 40.12 of the sources is related to more than 10 years. Moreover, number of Latin references (3847 case) is much higher than the number of Persian sources (1032 case) in the articles of this journal.Among the variety of resources which were used, books (℅52.09) and articles (℅37.15) had the highest number of citations. In 2001 and 2007 the lowest (172 sources) and largest (821 sources) numbers of sources have been used respectively. Also in all years, the percent of Latin sources was more than Persian sources. Finally, regard to increasing sources of articles, it seems that researchers have more access to scientific sources and we are seeing an increasing number of sources, especially the Persian sources.


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