In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 Payame Noor University

3 Kharazmi University


This study investigates the role of television in creating commitment in football television audience towards sport sponsorship. In this research, five important factors brand’s name awareness, positive image of Sponsor, interest in sponsors, purchase intent and loyalty to thecompany or sponsor’s organization, products or services were examined. For this pourpose a questionnaire designed and itsvalidity confirmed by specialists and reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal to0.80. The statistical population included all television audiences of popular football teams in the master league and 380 subjects were selected from the audience.Data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential methods such as Binominal Testto survey the effect of sport sponsorship on five mentioned factors among fans. Research results showed, Sport Sponsorship enhance brand’s name awareness, promote a positive image of sponsor, the sponsor’s interestand loyalty of audience to the company, but it doesn't effecton purchase intent of audience. Sponsors should consider that make a commitment in audience is a time consuming process and needs ongoing support that can lead to return of capital ultimately.


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