In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, University of Guilan

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Jahrom University

3 Ph. D. Student, Sport Management, University of Guilan


Information literacy affects on the promotion of information capabilities of the academic community.  Therefore the main aim of this study was to develop information literacy model  For Sport Management Students of Iran Universities in accordance with their research & work areas. This research is applied in terms of goal and correlational in terms of method. Research tool was a semi reseacher made questionnaire that it’s face and content validity was verified by professors and also it’s composite reliability was confirmed. Research population is all the graduate students of sport management of Iran universities which 112 students were selected randomly as samples. To analyze data SPSS19 and SmartPLS2 software were used . The results showed that the impact of library and technology variables are in high level and at optimum level. Moreover, principlal and library skills were include of understanding the need, effective achievement, and information assessment. Also technology skills were include of information organizing and legal cases. According to the results, the offered model can lead to a purposeful framework to help sport management academic community towards promtion of sustainable information literacy.


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