In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah

2 Ph. D. Student of Management Marketing and Media in Sport, Razi University, Kermanshah


The purpose of this study is to analyze the sport corruption in Iran during the period 2007-2017. In this study, documentary method has been used with content-analysis approach. The analysis unit was the official national media reports that were searched for by the key word «sport corruption  Based on the TASP model, corrupt activities were investigated in four levels. The first level includes a variety of corruptions, of which 12 were identified, and doping with 34% was the highest among them. The second level, is the activity level, that shows the people involved in corruption. The results at the third or sector level showed that 24 different sports were directly affected by corruption, of which soccer with 933 media reports had the most frequently reported corrupt activities in media. And at the fourth level, the Premier League, the Grassroots, the first league, the youth, and the second and third leagues, had the highest rates of conflict with corruption, respectively. A ten-year review of the country's media has shown that corruption has been rising rapidly in recent years in an unprecedented way. The real battle with this phenomenon is realized through the reflection of news and information in a professional and dispassionately manner. The media, with reporting and disclosure, have such a capacity that they can make the atmosphere insecure for offenders and destroy many of the impure fields in the country's sport.


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