In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabatabaꞌi University

2 Shomal University


Publication of the shocking nature of space and culture is the maker of the most powerful levers of intellectual and cultural evolution. Widespread dissemination of the mass in the invention of the printing begins. Audience research in order to achieve satisfaction of the sports books has been published. The study sample the entire audience stands referred to the publishers, sports, the Twenty-Sixth Tehran International Exhibition of 1391 were present in the sample were selected randomly and the sample size of 280 was selected.In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics and Tand one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for all analyzes were performed using software spss16. The results indicate that the title variable was significant in terms of satisfaction and according to post hoc tests amongstudents, professoriate and staff with the unemployed was significant differenceand amongthe variable mass of book and variable facility was significant difference and according to post hoc tests amongstudents and staff was significant difference and amongvariables (grace, quality content, imaginary content, page layout and scale content to fit the needs) no significant difference was observed. 


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