In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sport Management, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Faculty of Sport Management, Sahid Chamran university of Ahvaz

3 Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz


Mass media have an enormous role in shaping and directing society’s attitudes, beliefs, thoughts and constructing a proper position for sport arena. Purpose of this research was an analytical study of sport section of Khuzestan press with women’s sport approach. The statistical society of current research was the sports sections of 6 main newspapers published during 2013 in Khuzestan. Method of sampling was normal random and it was based on statistic weekly in which two statistic weeks were chosen of every newspaper. The measuring instrument was coding sheetand its reliability was approved by 15 professionals of sports and communication management. Also the objectivityand the stability coefficient were measured according to Scott formula for (gender 94%, sport field 96%, writing style 82%, status of interviewees 94%, the coverage and form of the text 98%, pictures size 87%, orientation 83%). Results showed that 81% of Khuzestan press sport section was covering men sports and only 5.6% of this coverage was about women sport. Including 30 sport fields formen and 20 sport fields for women. From 369 pictures, 81.4% were related to men and only 5.4% was related to women. Among 20 pictures related to women 90% of them were in small size and only 10% of them were in large size. Also considering the standpoints of contents, 42.6% of them had positive standpoints, 18% were negative and 39.3 was neutral. Considering the results of current research and tremendous differences between women and men’s sport press coverage, it is recommended that by showing special consideration toward covering women’s sport and attracting them toward exciting sports areas, press can help women’s sport to develop and finally improve the society’s health and wellbeing.


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