In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



This study for understanding the applications of communication theories in the field of sport was developed in three parts: (1) A review of the six most cited communication theories (Agenda Setting, Framing, Cultivation, Disposition-Based Theory, Social Identity and Hegemonic); (2) A introduction of relatively new link between social media and sport communication studies (Parasocial interaction and uses & gratifications theories) And (3) applying the uses & gratifications theory as the basis for analysing Sardar Azmoun’s motives for using Instagram. For this purpose the content analysis as an efficient method of qualitative analysis was used. 100 recent posts of 246 total posts of Sardar Azmoun’s Instagram were analyzed to extract themes. Data analysis in order to identify the motives of Instagram users showed six major themes and eleven sub-themes: Interactivity with other athletes and fans main theme consisting of Prayer, love of country, thanks and greeting Sub-themes; diversion main theme consisting of providing information about the interests sub-theme; information sharing main theme consisting of offering insights about coaches and offering insights about other athletes sub-themes; linking to content main theme consisiting of pointing fans to places of interest sub-theme; fanship main theme consisitining of sharing their fandom of other sports sub-theme and promotional main theme consisting of endorsing public relations efforts and stimulating motives sub-themes.


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