In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


The objective of the present study is to Evaluation the application of the mobile learning in physical education student learning Universities of Yasuj. The research method is descriptive-field study and the population of the study includes all physical University students of Yasuj. 198 samples were chosen according to Cochrane formula through relative random sampling method, and the researchers made questionnaire of the mobile learning was distributed among them The questionnaire validity was determined by content validity, and for its reliability Cronbach’s alpha was used. The study obtained information were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (relative frequency, setting the table, standard deviation and average) and inferential statistics (one sample t test, t test, one way ANOVA test and Gabriel test). The results show that the application of the mobile learning Components of physical education students learning optimal 0/001 was significant at a confidence level. too, the use of mobile learning and its components between men and women was significant.


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