In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between creativity and communication skills of athletic directors. Therefore, this descriptive and correlation field study has been conducted. The statistical population was 2000 people of sports managers from Isfahan city and it was based on Cohen (2000) table’s that 322 students were selected by stratified random sampling. In order to collect information two questionnaires such as creative and communication skills were used. The test-retest reliability study tools with Cronbach's alpha coefficients; were computed as 0.81 and 0.82, respectively. Face validity and content validity of the questionnaires were assessed by ten experts in sport management. Accordingly,  the questionnaires were approved by a coefficient of 0.85. The results of the correlation coefficient, independent t-test, one sample t and F test were analyzed. The results showed that creativity and communication skills among athletic directors was in the average level. In contrast, directors' creative verbal skills and auditory feedback were positive and significant. It seems creativity and good communication skills as indicators of qualifying conditions to be considered in management positions to efficiently and effectively executive's management sport organizations.


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