In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physical Education, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd , Iran.

2 Department of Physical Education , Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran .

3 Department of Physical Education , Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran.


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of social responsibility on the behavior of spectators in the country's Super League Football through the mediation of individual identity through the role of mass media. The type of research is descriptive-correlational and applied in terms of purpose, which has been implemented in the field. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all spectators of the National Super League Football in 2018-2019, from which 460 people were randomly selected. The research measurement tools were Standard Team Identity Questionnaires (Van Dick et al., 2008), Audience Behavior by U 2010, Individual Identity Question -naire ,and a researcher-made questionnaire these were for the use of the mass media, which were further validated in a preliminary study using Cronbach's alpha test Obtained from 0.7. Two descriptive and inferential methods were used to analyze the data. In the inferential statistics section, the structural equation model method was used using the partial least squares approach. The results showed that individual identity through the role of mass media has a positive and significant effect on social responsibility and spectator behavior of the country's Super League Football . Also, considering the capability and capacity of mass media in highlighting information and messages, and especially the display of these sports competitions, they can increase the intensity of this effect by mediating individual identity.


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