In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of (physical) and mental (wisdom and morality) in terms of the Shahnameh mythical, heroic and historic. 9 volumes of data through the dissemination of knowledge and the Moscow edition of poems by Ferdowsi was obtained come. A coding sheet was the main research instrument consisted of two questions. The first questionwas to determine the periodand the second question was to determine the character; so one of these two codes includes “characters wearing "andanother one includes “mental traits ". In this study,after reading the 9 volumes of shahnameh, for each of these two features were identified a number of key terms (22 traits related to body) and (11 traits related to mental ,wisdom and ethics). In total 9992coupletswere found in three periods, include Mythical, heroic and historical, that these 33 traits are found. then classified attributes, data using descriptive statistics (tables and charts) and inferential (I Vaytny U and Kruskal-Wallis) with the help of the software SPSS And the P ≤0/05 Were analyzed. Result showed that there is a meaningful difference among numerous traits related to body and soul in three periods atShahnameh and the total period. The results show that the large numbers of characters in Shahnameh course are differences in the character of the hero. Moreover, this higher prevalence of mental traits is also true. Finally, the results of this study indicate that in ancient Persia the body and spirit as means of protecting the health, growth, and balance and coordination, increased attention has been a greater focus on the period of heroism.


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