In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Sports Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to determine the codes of refereeing ethics in the scientific-research journals of physical education and sports sciences and to examine the degree of adherence of referees to those codes. The method of this research is exploratory and descriptive research and is a mixed study (quantitative and qualitative). Therefore, according to the purpose and process of research; its method was survey and data collection tools were interviews and questionnaires. The research questionnaires consisted of two sections: codes of arbitration ethics in the structural dimension (including 14 items) and codes of judgment in the content dimension (including 11 items), which were sent to all members of the editorial board of 27 scientific-research journals. Was. Since the number of research population was limited and specific, we considered the statistical sample equal to the statistical population as a whole and the returned and usable questionnaires were 75 copies. he degree of adherence of judges to the codes of refereeing ethics (structural dimension) and (content dimension) in scientific-research journals of physical education and sports sciences of Iran is significant. It seems that there are principles, values and ethical framework for the article refereeing profession, the observance of which ethical codes will definitely inject work health and increasing development into the scientific and research environment of physical education and sports sciences. On the other hand, the adherence of the judges to the ethical principles of judging the publications of physical education and sports sciences is at a desirable level.


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