In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Sports Management, Physical Education Department, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Ph.D. Student in Sports Management, Physical Education Department, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University


Consumption Emotions from the perspective of consumers can be the basis for their mental involvement with their desired product and this mental conflict can be expected to be deeply and effective on consumers' behavioral intentions when it is linked to sport and associated phenomena such as sports symbols or mascots.Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to analyze the consumption- commination`s emotions influenced by well-known sports mascots (case study: Puma brand) in explaining consumer behavioral intentions with a consideration of the gender moderating effect. The methodology of this study is descriptive-survey and by purpose, it is a type of applied study. Estimation of sample size in this study was done using SPSS Sample power software based on the objectives and assumptions of the research and using the tool considered (questionnaire)the assumptions considered in the form of statistical methods were analyzed by Smart PLS 3 software. The findings of this study indicate that consuming emotions consisting of arousal and pleasure have a positive and significant effect on the behavioral intentions of consumers affected by Puma sports mascots; On the other hand, the role and effect of gender modulation in the causal relationship between arousal on behavioral intention was rejected and the effect of pleasure on behavioral intention was confirmed; in other words, the gender variable has moderate the relationship between pleasure on behavioral intentions. It is therefore recommended to marketers and practitioners the psychological-communicational characteristics (feeling of pleasure) of different groups affected bywell-known sports mascots are increasingly taken into consideration.


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