In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Studen in Communication Science at Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran, IRAN

2 Ph.D. Holder in Literature, Islamic Azad University, IRAN & Education Assistant at Islamic Azad University, Kabul Branch, Afghanistan


This paper aims to discourse analysis the concept of judgment in the Ninety (90) TV Program and understands how this program has Constructed the meaning of the judgment in football. in this paper, the authors attempt to analyze two programs with the subject of judgment on November 18,  2013 and March 11,  2013by using critical discourse analysis method and conflating Laclau and Mouffe with Fairclough and Van Dijk's approaches and purposeful sampling  to identify the discursive system of the program and highlights nodal points and moments.
The results of this research indicate that in this program, the nodal point of Adel Ferdowsipours' discourse is management, which interaction and correct legislation are its moments. Also, management, affirmative policy, desirability of performance and desirability of judgment are the nodal points of the program's participants that Using the floating signs and mo,ents of education, management, technology orientation, discipline, forethought, community-based, people-centered, honesty, connoisseurship and physical readiness, Which shaped in a Chain of equivalence, their discourses of judgment and the discursive system of the program.
In fact, based on the findings of the research, the desirability of judgment to a degree is related to the type of policy, the performance of the managers of the country's sport and organization, professional training of referees, attention to technical and professional aspects of judgment, including technology orientation, discipline, physical fitness, as well as the correct legislation of decision making bodies in the field of Sport.


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