In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


Razi University


Soccer video games market is known as a virtual and important dimension of sport consumption. The aim of the present study was to identify and ranking motivation factors in virtual soccer consumption among Iranian adolescent boys. Research method was cross-sectional. Study populations were 30 thousand boys (13-18 yr.)Who participated in the 2013 FA Cup Digital and as ample of them (n=384) voluntarily completed virtual sport consumption motivation questionnaire. Explanatory factor analysis conducted to identify motivation factors in virtual soccer consumption. Eleven factors including, fandom, team identification, entertainment, bragging right, ownership, learning, escape, pass time, socialization were emerged. Friedman test indicated that fan motivation and team identification, among other motivators, has more importance. So fan of the sport can be considered as the most in fluently factor on sport consumer motivation, therefore the marketer should focus their activities on this factor.


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