In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


Kurdistan University


Todays, computer and its widespread influence have caused anyone involved with the technology, and it is dealing.The growing demand of expansion is associated with anxiety and stress for many people.Therefore; researcher performs a correlation study in order to study computer anxiety in sport organizations and was selected 574 of managers and experts by using a random sampling. Standard instrument was computer anxiety questionnaire from Heinz, Glass and Knight (1987) that a group of University experts confirmed it.For the analysis of data, confirmatory factor analysis, t independent, correlation coefficients of two series - the point (rPbis) and (rser), one-way analysis of variance was used the.Results showed that there is no significant relationship between age (P≥0.821) and sex (P≥0.599) with computer anxiety but the relationship between level of education (P≤0.025), organizational post (P≤0.035), experience (P≤ 0.004) with computer anxiety was significantly.There is significant difference between computer anxiety in the physical education organization, sport federations and Physical Education in schools (F2,37 =3.339, P≤0.037). Finally, computer anxiety is a dynamic process and has different dimensions and complexity that should not simply look at it and studied.


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