In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Payame Noor University

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Director of International Relations of the National Iranian Athletic Federation


The aim of this research is Comparison of International Relations Department of National University Sports Federations in worldwide range. We compared the structure of organizations, human resources,financial, correspondances and regulation of all federations with concentration on International Relations Department with Iran federation. The strategy of this research is combination of descriptive and qualitative.We used survey and did interview with expert of sports field. The Society of this reseach consist of all 167 members of FISU and the active countries in International Relations( available to answer other national federation correspondence),15 countries choosed non-random targeted as case study. Also, 5 experts were chosen non-random for interview. In order to collect the information in survey, a confirmed validity and realibity quastionnare was made by researcher and for interview, semi-cunstructed questions based on criteria of study was asked. Important results of this research shows: The structure of Iran federation need committee and association like International Relations Committee regarding to FISU structure.To develop the International Relations, we should make a plan to get the effective international position. Regarding to experts idea,in compare of other federations, it is important to use two languages website and publication in National University Sports Federation of Iran.


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