In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. of Sport Marketing Management

2 Lecturer at Sama University (Karaj Branch)


The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of the effect of social identity, valid foreign sports brands on the consumer behavior of the customers. The present research were done in terms of the application purpose and for collection-description. Statistical research community as well as external customer's authentic sports brands (NIKE, ADIDAS & PUMA) was in Tehran and statistical samples were selected for random cluster. The questionnaire was made after the investigator also confirmed its formal validity and content by teachers as well as the reliability of its inner using cronbach's alpha (0.89) was used. On the statistical methods were used of factor analysis and factor analysis of Testaments   and structural equations testing and regression. The results showed that the optimal fit indices, and represents the approved model. According to the results of the social identity of the fitted authentic brands of consumer behavior on foreign sports customers. Regression results also showed that social identity is a good predictor of the brand to the consumer's behavior variables. The results indicate that social identity are the factors influencing on consumer behavior of customer is the perception customer's in order to use brand. Therefore, brand with strong identity, origin and formation of long-term relationships and the company's customer and consumer behavior will affect their customers.


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