In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. of Communication Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Ph.D. in Persian Language and Literature in Azad University


Today, signs have taken over all human lives. Meanwhile, advertising is a sign system that  has captured people's minds and eyes all day  and night. In the meantime, celebrities are occasionally made to increase the amount of advertising penetration in public. In this regard, the purpose of the present article is to present a kind of mythology and a demythologizing of  the hidden reality behind the text of the advertisement. In this study, in the form  of semiotic theory and analysis of Barth's mythology, two ads have been analyzed to determine the implicit meaning of the second order of the message and the text. Among the numerous advertisements that are being made all over the world with the presence of sports celebrities, this article deals with the semiotics of the advertisement of "Clear" shampoo with the presence of Cristiano Ronaldo, and the "Caspian Motor Oil" with the presence of Javad Nekounam To demonstrate the impact of these people on ad performance. Eventually, the study concluded that these myths represent a reality and show the situation more ambitious than what it is, and thereby reach out to many audiences.


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