In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


Academic staff/ Allameh Tabataba'i University


The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of photographs published in Iran varzeshi newspaper regarding to social variables during the year of 2015. The method was analytic survey using content analysis method. The statistical population was all photographs published in the newspaper in second half of 2015(N-=5459). 72 newspapers were analyzed during six month by selecting newspapers in two statistical weeks. Results showed that photographs published with more men pictures than women, more athletes than authorities, more nonathletic females more than athlete women, more sport environment than no- sportive environment, more happy athletes than sad ones. In conclusion, the photographs published in Iran Varzeshi newspaper showed gender orientation in favor of men and also most photographs emphasized on Iranian happy athletes and sport statues and environments. Iran vaezeshi is a favorite newspaper among young Iranians and women are very important part of the society. Publishing more women photographs can attract the to buy newspaper.


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