In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



Sports media plays an important role in the development, education and culture of the country. The evaluation of the sports media can help to develop and promote sports media standards and identify strengths and weaknesses them. Therefore, in this paper we will attempt to identify the various criteria that has role in the process of evaluating sports media and then evaluate and prioritize the various sports media. Research method is Practical and descriptive. To conduct this study, confirmatory factor analysis and multi-criteria decision making methods along with the SPSS, Expert Choice, and Excel is used. The study population is students of Tehran Metropolis. The results show that eight criteria from among of research criteria approved by factor analysis. Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process the Information accuracy and cultural issues and values have gained the most weight. Among of the research alternatives also sports websites and TV sports network dedicated to the highest rank.
Keywords: sports media, Assessing, Factor Analysis, multi-criteria decision-making, AHP, Topsis.


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