In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to compare the content of sports programs on local media coverage was different sports. The research method in this study is applied and the quality strategy through content analysis and the field was conducted by the researcher.north-eastern and south-eastern provinces of Khorasan and Sistan-Baluchestan, respectively, and in the center of Tehran Province were selected. Athletic programs network television programs of each randomly selected and a total of three weeks were studied. Qualitative data obtained from the chi-square statistical equations for spss version 16 software was used for comparison in this study. The results show that the content of selected provincial sports television networks are based on coverage of sports, there are significant differences. So the total sports program aired on 327 for four months researching the sport of football (8/3%) Maximum coverage than other sports fields and dedicated to the sport of basketball and handball (4/6%) and (2/8%) respectively in second and third. More sports programs with statistically equal (77/1%) displayed a combination of sports and other sports have not paid attention to. At the time the study was broadcast Live Football match and other sports competitions not covered. TV provinces according to their position in the eyes of the people they cover a fair and balanced look at the phenomenon an important role in sports, information about of the sport and engagement than other media have.


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