In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


The objective of this study was the recognition of inner and outer environment the production of sports programs in Gilan province broadcast by using SOWT model. The research method was a descriptive and survey type and the Statistical Society included 60 managers, experts and manufacturers of sports broadcasting and sports management in Gilan Province which statistical sample specified as a whole. The self- made questionnaire set in Delfi and was confirmed after validity and reliability evaluation. One sample T-Test results and Freadman showed that distinguished variables in line with strength, weakness, opportunity and threats were 6, 7, 11 and 10 respectively which creative and talented person To participate in the production of audiovisual programs and The tendency of people to the Internet and its spread in the community was the most important opportunities and threats of the external environment. average of the views showed that (wo) with the average of 61/22 take the first place. Therefore, in SWOT matrix the place of production of sports programs in Broadcasting of Gilan Province tends toward opportunities and weaknesses (WO).


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