In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


In this research we intend to analyze the effective factors on the efficiency of the communicative network of distributing sport goods in Ilam. Method: The research is practical from the goal perspective and is descriptive from the nature point of view and is survey from method perspective. The intended population is 1200 persons. The considered sample is over than 291 persons regarding the Krejcei and Morgan table. (The amount of the Cronbach’s alpha is acceptable for all variables). Concluding: For analyzing the research’s aim, 8 partial assumptions were made which factors such as increment of the human force’s skill and expertise, market research and developing the infrastructures of distribution and transportation of sport goods play an effective role in the efficiency of the communicative network of distributing sport goods and cause cost reduction and increment of the quality of the communicative network of distributing sport goods. The least effective factors are targeted advertisement (r=0.541) and distribution channel shortening (r-0.564) and other factors (strong national brand, using modern technology, reinforcing the distribution network’s clusters) are in the range of 0.7 to 0.8. (Totally it should be said that all analyzed factors have strong effect on the efficiency of the communicative network of distributing sport goods).


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