In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



Aim: With the development of more powerful technologies, access to the internet has increased. The world wide web (www) or web has become an increasingly expansive and sophisticated medium of global communication. This study aimed to analysis of the federation Sports for all website and compare it with other sports federations in Iran using standard SMS silberg RT and Action for Health
Methodology: The methods used in this research is descriptive and content analysis. This research is descriptive- analytical. Statistical population include websites federations sport for all, football, volleyball, basketball, badminton and handball and wrestling. Data attaining scales include Silberg checklist, S.M.R.T and Action For Health, which were adapted and some proper items were added to websites; that their validity was proved by Delphi Method. Results were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean and SD) and Chi-Square Test.
Result: According to the website content analysis of this federations, the studied federations included little index, and among this federations, volleyball and wrestling offered most services on it's website, after this, the others were input respectively: football, sport for all, basketball, handball and badminton.
Conclusion: Results shows that all federations websites have approximately 50 percent of indices. The federations told above were used of a little services in their website, for marketing of online sports (the online sports marketing), attract user and the user's more interaction.


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