In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


This study examined the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and communication skills managers of sports organizations and the model was done. Correlation study that was conducted in this field. Among 200 of the province's sports managers a sample size of 132 students were selected through stratified random sample basis. Standardized questionnaires to collect data communication skills Barsvn (1990), job satisfaction Shekarshekan (2002) and organizational commitment of Allen and Meyer (1991), respectively reliability (0.81, 0.89 and 0.85) was used. Pearson correlation between variables and path analysis tests for the relationships between variables were analyzed using SPSS and LISREL. The results of t-test between existing and desired state variables of the study, there were differences among the samples. Between communication skills with job satisfaction (r=0.448) and organizational commitment (r=0.371), as well as between job satisfaction and organizational commitment (r=0.469) There is a significant positive relationship. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the model of the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and communication skills with the managers of sports organizations of the goodness of fit is good. In general we can say that communication skills as one of the basic skills of managers on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of organizational variables can be effective, so people in different positions in sports organizations in the process of applying the basic skills of communication as factor effective organizational processes are considered custodians


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