In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


The purpose of this study is the effect of sports sponsorship on marketing communications companys non-govermental city of tabriz.The research method is descriptive – correlation. The statistical society of this research contains all companys non-govermental city of tabriz. The sample was used for the census namely the entire community were selected as sample. It is used from questionnaire Ebtekari(1393). To analysis of data, It is used of tests and students- T test, Fridman and pearson correlation coefficient. The results of this research show that: sports sponsorship has effect on marketing communications company non-govermental city of tabriz. There is a difference between the components of marketing communications companys non-govermental city of tabriz that in the meantime is objectives media in first ranks and personals objeective in ends rank. Also, there is significant correlation between the components marketing communications companys non-govermental city of tabriz. General conclusion that of sports sponsorship can be used a powerful tool for marketing the companys non-govermental


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