In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of information technology on knowledge management component of Hamedan's youth and sports organization staffs. Statistical population consisted of 168 employees of youth and sports organization , 116 of whom were selected stratified random sampling with probability proportionate. The main research instrument was a questionnaire varified by a group of validatory experts and to determine its reliability the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated (α1 = 0.91, α2 = 0.85). Data analysis was performed by SPSSwin16 software. Results showed that the level of knowledge management among staffs of youth and sports organization was "medium" . The result of correlation analysis showed that the relationship between ICT indicators, namely: support systems of high management , management information systems, decision support systems, automatizing systems of administral activity, work process systems, network systems and knowledge management were positive and significant. The results of path analysis showed that generally all indexes of Information Technology explained 7/50% of the variance of the dependent knowledge management variable .providing ICT infrastructure, in addition to impart knowledge, improve staff productivity and improve their job to provide knowledge management in the organization.


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