In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural barriers to implementation of exploration inventory management information systems in offices, sports and youth. The research is descriptive and exploratory study. The information in this study of 156 senior and middle managers and staff in the information technology sector and experts from the General Directorate of Youth and Sports Kermanshah province and province were collected. The data gathered using questionnaire of 49 questions. After collecting and analyzing questionnaires factor, minimum load factor 3.0 for each variable was determined acceptable, so the 80 question questionnaire, 31 questions due to time factor is less than 3.0 are removed and the remaining 49 questions seven components, administrative barriers (11 questions) and the environment (6 questions), technical barriers (4 questions), educational (3 items), economic barriers (5 questions) and structural (5 questions) personal barriers (7 items) , cultural barriers (4 items) and change management (4 questions), were classified. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha was 83/0, which indicates that the questionnaire is used. It was also found that both the questionnaire and all sub-tests of high reliability. The results showed that the questionnaire can present valid instrument for assessing the information management systems used in sports organizations.


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