In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



This study examines the role of mass media in the development of women's sports championship Principals Office of Youth and Sports has been in Khuzestan Province. Methods of This study is a descriptive survey. Data was collected by questionnaires and field. The study of 95 people, including the chairman, the vice chairman of the board, the department of sports and youth sport experts in Khuzestan province.
Survey of all directors, vice Chairman of exercise were active in the field of women's sport and And experts in the sports department of sports and youth were Khuzestan. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire composed of 27 questions Atbarrvayy the visual content by 6 teachers, sport administration and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha of 83%.. Drntayj descriptive study showed that the role of the media in the cultural, educational, propaganda favorable to the development of women's sports have championship. However, the media can play a role in optimal condition for cultural, educational and sports in the development of effective advertising are ladies championship.The resultsshowed thatthe functionofdesignculture, education andmediapropaganda, there are differences betweenthe current anddesired.Thismeans that themass mediado not dotheir missiononWomen'sChampionshipSports Development.


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