In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



Social media marketing, including the use of Facebook , is becoming a prevalent part of the ‎promotional marketing mix by recreation and sport organizations.While use of Facebook as a ‎marketing tool is common , empirical evidence of itsuse is lacking. This study examined the ‎effectiveness of social media marketing on college students in a campus recreation setting. ‎Specifically, the effectiveness of Facebook status messages were assessed via a 2 × 2 repeated ‎factorial within withinsubjects design to determine their influence on awareness of, interest in, and ‎intention to participate in a campus recreation special event. Participants were
assigned to experimental (n = 27) or control (n = 25) groups . ANCOVAs revealed significant ‎differences in awareness based on the treatment, but not in interest orintention. Findings suggest that ‎social media marketing was effective in increasing awareness , and the study served as an empirical ‎foundation for future research .


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