In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



Reviewing is a way to declare benefits and drawbacks of a scientific research. Reviewing helps an author to know his/her strengths and weaknesses in writing a scientific article. In fact, reviewing is a valuable task and enhances science. This research is based on content analyzing and it is a reviewing paper. This paper reviews the book entitled “information management systems in sport. Tehran, Hatmi publisher. 1393”. This book is the first reference in sport’s IT. Our reviewing on this book helps the authors to improve the content of the book. It is possible to create a very sophisticated knowledge in this area and more prominent act than yesterday and the past .The main goals of this research is to review the content, typo mistakes and appearance of the book. We hope that the author(s) of the book use our review in order to improve the content of the book for next publishing


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