In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



Women constitute half of the Iranian population. It is clear that growing participation of women in different fields of social, cultural, economic and sports are affected by the globalization process. One of the effects of globalization on women is change their religious identity. And Women’s hijab is the obvious symbols of religious identity. The participation of women in sports field is growing in recent years. Female athletes have important role first as models for other women, and as a symbol of women Muslim will participate in international competition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between globalization tools with women's hijab of Iranian futsal league in 1393. The data-gathering tool consisted of a 2-part questionnaire: obstacles of hijab(include of 20qustions) and attitudes toward the hijab(include of 8qustions). Statistical population includes 144 who 75 subjects participated in the study. Analyzing was based on Pearson correlation. The result of the study showed that using the tools of globalization does not have a significant impact on women's attitudes toward the hijab. And hijab is not an obstacle to participate in physical activity.


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