In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



With regard to prevalence of overweight and possible effectiveness of media advertisements on purchase of losing weight sport products, the current study survey the role of advertisements mass media such as TV, radio and journals on purchase of losing weight sport products in female physical education and non physical education students. The participants were 48 female physical education and 48 female non physical education students from the payame noor university, center of Rasht. The research method was designed based on descriptive study and data collection by using purchase of losing weight sport products questionnaire, Esfahani et al (2012) with reliability of 0.79. The results indicated that, the role of the media especially TV in informing about the people awareness was desirable, but there were undesirable for radio and journals. Also, the media's roles in convincing individuals and in buying toward losing weight sport products were undesirable. sport products were undesirable


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