In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

The present study aims to evaluate the role of media advertising, the brand equity in the sports apparel industry has been done. The Tvsyfy_Pymayshy research method based on the structural equation model has been employed. The population of this study were the students and graduates of Physical Education in the country, 805 of whom were selected based on random sampling, using the questionnaire both in person and online. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.80 software. Structural equation analysis on the proposed model showed that the model fit was good and acceptable. Results showed a significant positive impact on media advertising, brand equity shares, and this influenced indirectly, through strengthened awareness and brand associations, and creating customer satisfaction. But there was no significant influence on perceived quality. The domestic manufacturers recommended, the high costs of advertising and try not to fear the result of a long campaign appealing and memorable in the minds of customers buying Iranian sports brands for people to get a raise, which reduced demand and entry indiscriminate foreign brands to bring into the country.

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