In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



The research is correlation- experimental and in terms of objective, it is pragmatic. The population under study encompassed all manufacturers of sport accessories in Iran (N=300) out of which 169 cases are selected based on having the least amount of population, using Morgan table. Khosrovani’s standard questionnaire (2012) was employed based on that of Histrich and Peter, accompanied with confirmed reliability and stability for data collection, with its formal validity being confirmed by university scholars as well as professional entrepreneurs. Finally, using the numerical sigma, the formal validity is counted to be 0.85 and then the structure validity was calculated by confirmatory factor analysis. The devise stability calculated and confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha in creation of sports business concept, feasibility of sports business, startup of new sports businesses to be α= 0.71, α= 0.82, α=0.82 and α =0.89, respectively. Factor analysis results were confirmatory. The fitting model of the study has shown that based on (t) score all the questions posed within the study had meaningful relationship with their factors. The questionnaire of the role of information and communication technology in developing entrepreneurial opportunities in sports was of high validity. Hence, it can be used as an appropriate tool for researches related to the sports entrepreneurship domain.


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