In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



To compare the sports program in terms of form and content provincial television networks. The study followed descriptive strategy, running track and target content analysis. Society Sports Television program were reviewed in Lorestan and the Central Province, Iran in 1393. Three networks over a month and finally a week were randomly selected and examined. Collected information on the coding sheet made by the researcher coding was done according to instructions.  Also Khy Dv was employed to compare and test for proper coding and accurate assessment, SPSS 19.00 was used as a software analysis, data showed a significantm level of p <0.05 .Components combined athletics with 50.2% in the first rank and the public followed by large differences in the components of the training and professional programs had no significant effect.Conclusion: The amount of programs related to sports such as football, wrestling and volleyball werethe next in rank and the other sports had less individual attention.


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