In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was the effect of media of the structure of sports in Iran. The research method was analytical descriptive and in terms of the purpose, it is an applied study. Methods of data collection include library research, Delphi method and finally a researcher made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was determined by professors and specialists in the field. After all the corrective actions, the necessary changes were made. Reliability questionnaire measured by Cronbach's alpha. The statistical population of the study were consisted of staff and operational managers of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the executive directors of National Olympic Committee and National Olympic and Para-Olympic Academy Directors, heads of federations, experts in National Olympic Committee, professionals and managers of sports associations in school sports federations, and faculty members as specialists in sports and they were informed about the research topic. In this study, the sample was determined as equivalent to the research population and by counting all. Out of 302 questionnaires were sent to the members of the research population and 238 questionnaires were filled.  For data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential tests including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, comparison of the mean of the population (one sample t-test), Friedman's analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied. The results confirmed the effect of media on the sport structure of the country not to mention this effect seemed to be more on championship sport than on general and training sports.


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