In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper




The media 's role in the development of various social spheres , including sports . In the TV special place for many reasons among various social groups has opened . The purpose of this study is to examine the role of television in the development of our sport . Survey methods , type of applied research , and data collection methods agreed . The data analysis methods for descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using SPSS version 18 . 196 out of 300 experts and community leaders of the media community and 44 women were selected as samples . Sampling was random . Information collected in the survey questionnaire Ghasemi (1386 ), respectively. The reliability and validity of his thesis was evaluated and approved . The questionnaire consisted of the five components of exercise, finance, human resources , culture and society , education and research in the form of 41 questions were examined . The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated based on expert opinion and reliability 95 / 0 were reported. Azalfay 's alpha was used to assess reliability . The results showed that the attitude of managers, experts and the media about the development component of sports, finance, human resources , socio - cultural , education - study at a significance level of p <0/05 There is a difference . Television can develop the sport of Kerman province. but its role in the current situation , the TV does not play its role well.


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