In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


phd student- payam noor university


The purpose of this study was analysis of study field of published sport management articles in Iran scientific- specialty journals based on MA areas. Statistical population of present study were including of all articles of sport management published in Iran scientific- specialty journals from first until end of spring 2013 that all them selected as samples (N=889). The measuring tool of this research was a coding sheet which by Scott test, agreement coefficient between coder measured ℅89. for data analysis used from descriptive and inferential statistical (Scott test and chi square). Also, the SPSS software used for data analysis in significant level p≤0.05. Research results showed that more articles of Sport Management are not linked to any desired areas (℅52.4) and between areas of sport management, areas of leisure time and recreational sports, sports marketing, strategic management of sports organizations, management of sports media, Management of sport events and management of sports Venues and facilities constituted ℅10.6, ℅9.9, ℅8.2, ℅8, ℅7.3 and ℅3.6 published articles in Iran scientific- specialty journals. Also, results showed that there was significant difference between article numbers in MA management articles areas. Result of this study can appropriate guideline being for planning in scientific- specialty journals of sport management in Iran


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