In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


Changing the daily movement patterns, as a result of reduced motor activity especially in women, caused that their organs and muscles seriously affected by lack of physical activity so they have physical weakness. One of the efficient tools for the prevention of such phenomenon is the creation of the necessary facilities and attraction  to create common exercise among women. In this regard, one of the method of sports training and to enhance the motivation to participate in sports, is to get help from visual media. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of training videos on the promotion of women's attitudes to physical activity among women in 20-30years in Tehran. In this interventional study, initially a training video in education of sports activities and the proportion of women 20 to 30 years were selected and a questionnaire was prepared according to the educational video content. Then a three-stage screening before, immediately after and one month after the show, the questionnaires were filled by women. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t-test. P < 0.05 was considered significant. Obtained from this study indicate that the immediate and one month after the screening, the mean score of women and significantly increased physical activity significantly and one month after the sport performance of the film score such as the average amount of exercise and physical training significantly improved .The results showed that training by the film as a visual medium not only increase awareness of the moment, but in the long term, to increase awareness and improve the performance of women's sports. So the film to promote physical fitness and sports participation more women in sports activities as an effective method has been suggested.


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