In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in International Sports Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sports Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



The present study aimed to provide a framework for a sustainable education system based on a learning community network in the field of physical education in Iraqi schools. A qualitative research method with a thematic analysis approach (Clarke & Braun, 2006) was selected. Participants included all academic experts (university professors), executive (managers and experts), and technical (experienced physical education teachers) who were knowledgeable and proficient in the research topic in Iraq. The sample size was estimated at 17 based on reaching theoretical saturation. Sampling was done through purpose sampling (with an emphasis on knowledge and experience). The research instrument included semi-structured interviews conducted through both in-person and virtual conversations. The validity of the results was evaluated and confirmed through the inter-rater reliability coefficient (0.72). The extracted concepts include 159 conceptual codes, 50 sub-themes, 19 main themes, and 7 general themes,. The sequence of theoretical relationships between the themes of this conceptual framework is as follows: creating a foundation for sustainable and participatory physical education, creating a system of education for the sustainable development of physical education, enriching the physical education teaching model, enhancing the participation of the physical education learning environment, sustaining educational and sports resources, capacity building for sustainable physical education learning opportunities, and the functions of learner and sustainable physical education in Iraqi schools. Based on the conceptual framework, it can be said that achieving the goals and standards of sustainable education in physical education in Iraqi schools requires the formation of a learning and participatory community,.


Main Subjects