In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA. Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

3 Ph.D. Student in Sports Management, of Tabriz University




The main objective of the present research was to investigate the factors affecting the development of athletes’ personal brands through the social network Instagram. This research was a cross-sectional study that was applied in terms of purpose, descriptive in terms of method, and survey-based in terms of the collector data. The statistical population of the research included athletes, champions and coaches of sports disciplines who are members of the social network Instagram and have an active account. Using Morgan's table, a sample size of384 was determined, but taking into account a percentage for non-return of questionnaires,400 questionnaires were distributed and collected. The face and content validity of it was confirmed by 8 professors, management specialists, and sports sciences experts. The questionnaire consisted of three sections: demographic questions,Chan-Olmested et al(2013)social media characteristics questionnaire, and Arai's(2010)athletes personal branding. For the statistical analysis of the data obtained from the research, SPSSv27 and Smart.PLS.4 software were used. The results showed that the characteristics of openness, communication, participation, conversationality, and sharing on the social network Instagram have a direct and significant effect on the personal branding of athletes, and the factors influencing the personal branding of athletes through the social network Instagram have different priorities. Therefore, athletes should create a positive and attractive image of their brand on Instagram based on their personality traits, appearance, professional capabilities, lifestyle, and behavioral patterns, and utilize the media potential of Instagram to introduce their sports achievements, goals, values, and personality.


Main Subjects