In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose of this study was media coverage of achievement medals in wrestling and volleyball compared with football in half front page of sports newspapers. With using non-random sampling available, 8 sports newspapers as the samples were considered in the days after achievement medals in the 2013 World wrestling Championship and 2013 Asian volleyball Championship (in total, 48 sports newspapers). The instrument used in this study was a coding sheet that its unit was number of headlines and images. Validity of this instrument has been approved by 4 people of sports management expert in the field of content analysis. Data analysis bydescriptive andinferential (Kolmogorov Smirnov and Mann-Whitney U tests) statisticalin software SPSS. The results showed that there were significant differences between the number of headlines and images related to achievement medals by national teams of wrestling and volleyballcompared to the headlines and images related to football in half front page of selected newspapers. Finally, it is recommended that Authorities of sports newspapers at least once disciplines such as wrestling and volleyball to success in global and international sporting events, half front page of newspapers devoted to these disciplines and this proud do not undervalued in light of the football marginal news and images.


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