In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Scientific association of sport management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student at Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tehran, University of Tehran

2 PhD in Sports Management, Islamic Azad University, Esfahan, Iran

3 phd of sport management of Razi univrcity


Specialized literacy in communication, which goes beyond simple reading, writing, and conversation, plays an important role in human communication with oneself, others, and even other beings. Quality is a good link to greater success in personal and professional life. Based on this introduction, the question arises as to whether communication literacy is a very important skill in professional athletes. Since communication literacy in professional sports has been less studied, according to this study, the analysis of specialized literacy in the communication of professional athletes in Iran is based on the technique of analysis of key actors. This was done by a strategic planning simulation tool called MACTOR In this study, which is critical from the point of view of the prevailing paradigm, after acquainting professional athletes in the fields of football, athletics, wrestling, weightlifting, and handball with communication literacy, they were asked to use the actor-actor and actor-goal matrices. Are literate, choose. The results in the output of the software showed that the professional athletes of the selected disciplines are weak in their communication with specialized literacy in body language, intercultural communication, advertising literacy, The third generation of the web, which expanded after 2010 and conceptually led to two -way interaction between users and the very popular social networks formed in this generation, leading to this high awareness of communication technology literacy. The study also shows the benefits of using new software to examine the development and development opportunities of sports communication studies.
