Ali Ziaee; Alireza Elahi; Ieman Bakhshoodehniya
Volume 1, Issue 3 , May 2014, , Pages 51-62
In this research, 167 published articles in 16numbers of Movement Sciences and Sport Journal of Kharazmi university from its first volume (2001, No. 1). To the last one (2010, No.16) was analyzed contently.This study’s instrument was a coded checklist that its content and face validity was confirmed ...
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In this research, 167 published articles in 16numbers of Movement Sciences and Sport Journal of Kharazmi university from its first volume (2001, No. 1). To the last one (2010, No.16) was analyzed contently.This study’s instrument was a coded checklist that its content and face validity was confirmed by six experts in this field. With regard to low volume of sample and non-interference of personal opinions, the agreement coefficient between coders, was skipped. Results showed that the used average month to accept any article has been 6.4 months. Further, highest percentage of research study of shared articles has written by 3 authors. Analyzing of results related to the articles methodology identified that 159 articles (95.2%) have used quantitative research method and 8 articles (4.8%) have used qualitative research methods. Also, 73 articles (43.7%) are used the semi-experimental methods and 44 articles (26.3 %) are used correlation methods. More than half of the papers (56.8%), have been written only in two areas of sports management and sports physiology. In addition, findings suggest that the majority of studies were devoted to educational sport and the lowest of studies have been in the field of special people sports.With regard to the findings of this study, we can make suggestions to improve the quality of articles to magazine writers and officials.