hadi soltani; Nima Majedi; Zahar Nobakht
Virtual media are one of the most popular and accessible social media in the last decade, which provides sports news to people, especially young people, as soon as possible. The purpose of this study was to compare the inequality of media coverage of women and men in cyberspace. The research was a quantitative ...
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Virtual media are one of the most popular and accessible social media in the last decade, which provides sports news to people, especially young people, as soon as possible. The purpose of this study was to compare the inequality of media coverage of women and men in cyberspace. The research was a quantitative one that was done in the form of content analysis, the five most popular news agencies were Aftab, ISNA, Tabnak, Tasnim and Fars in 2016. The research sample was the front page of each news agency that was collected daily through coded sheets. The validity of the sheets was approved by experts. The content dimensions used in this study included gender, type of sport, personality and photos of men and women. Data were used using descriptive statistics and non-parametric Chi-square test throughspss20 software. Were analyzed.The results showed out of 34768 news items, only 1140 of them were related to women (women 31.3% and men 96.68%). The first sport of women was shooting and men football. News about the personalities of men and women were 456 and 17951 times, respectively. The total number of photos of women was 739, but the number of photos of men was 22074.The four variables of gender, type of sport, personality, and photograph showed a difference therefor virtual media, while observing the principles of media neutrality , to pay attention to the enlightenment of public opinion and the all-round promotion of sports, in order to promote the sustainable development of sports.